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Plant Listing 

All of our current available stock is listed in our plant store. if there is anything on this list you are looking for please contact us..

Plants for shade and Alpines

Anemonopsis macrophylla


Late flowering treasure for the woodland garden. beautiful nodding waxy flowers of white flossed with lavender. 3 year old seedlings still small but will flower soon.

Plants for shade and Alpines

Anemonopsis macrophylla


Late flowering treasure for the woodland garden. beautiful nodding waxy flowers of white flossed with lavender. 3 year old seedlings still small but will flower soon.

Plants for shade and Alpines

Arisaema candissimum


 Large trifoliated leaves in summer followed by white spathes striped pink. small only.

Plants for shade and Alpines

Arisaema Species 'Varigated' ex China


Imported from China as a unknown species, very nice variegated leaves and green flowers, not unlike arisaema consanguineum but not the same species, wider leaflets and less of them. small tubers only.

Plants for shade and Alpines

Arisaema tortuosum


Near flowering size seedlings, some have flowered already. tall growing with large green flower. a must have for the woodlander garden.

Plants for shade and Alpines

Arisaema speciosum


Wonderful species with large leaves and good sized striped and vein flowers. like morning sun. not to wet when dormant.small near flowering size tubers.

Plants for shade and Alpines

Arisaema flavum


Near flowering size corms, should flower next year. interesting species.small tubers only.

Plants for shade and Alpines

Asarum europaeum


Kidney-shaped glossy green leavesmake a nice weed suppressing groundcover. small green flowers under the leaves.

Plants for shade and Alpines

Asarum caulesens


Excellent deciduous ground cover with lovely slightly furry heart shaped leaves. flower are very unusual and are held at ground level.

Plants for shade and Alpines

Asarum takaoi 'Galaxy'


Wonderful ground cover over time, Marbled leaves shine in the woodland garden.

Plants for shade and Alpines

Asarum caudatum 'Alba'


Excellent ground cover plant for shady parts of the garden, loverly whiteground hugging flowers.(sun or shade)

Plants for shade and Alpines

Asarum caudatum 'Red Flower form'


Wonderful ground cover plant that develops over time, ground hugging red flowers in spring. very tough plant for the woodland garden.

Plants for shade and Alpines

Actaea pachypoda 'alba'


Plants for shade and Alpines

Athyrium filix-femina


Very rare deciduous fern to 40cm. Many deeply cut and toothed leaves, very elegant in it's form, mixing well with other woodlander plants and adding softness. DORMANT AT THE MOMENT.

Plants for shade and Alpines

Bessia calthaefolia


This is one of the best woodland plants you can have, the beautiful foliage alone is enough to want it, the new bronze foliage in spring is outstanding.

Plants for shade and Alpines

Brunnera 'Jack Frost'


This is one of the best Brunnera's available, strong growing with beautiful silver marked leaves with many small blue forget me not flowers held above the foliage. outstanding plant.

Plants for shade and Alpines

Brunnera 'Silver Wings'


Plants for shade and Alpines

Bolax gummifera


Wonderful ground cover for the alpine rock garden weaver through rocks. Mats of spiny green rosettes throughout the year. very hardy once established.

Plants for shade and Alpines

Cardiocrinum giganteum


Plants for shade and Alpines

Cardamine trifolia


Plants for shade and Alpines

Chaerophyllum hirsutum 'roseum'


Excellent pink cow parley, very attractive in drifts. Soft feathery leaves beneath flat topped pink flowers. great effect in spring when planted with Epimediums.

Plants for shade and Alpines

Chiastophyllum oppositifolium


Plants for shade and Alpines

Corydalis flexuosa


Plants for shade and Alpines

Cryptotaenia japonica 'Atropurpureum'


Plants for shade and Alpines

Coptis quinquefolia


Small growing ground cover plant from Japan, white flowers in spring. very rare offering. New import from Japan.Very rare but not hare to grow need moister but not wet.

Plants for shade and Alpines

Cordalis cheilanthifolia


Long racemes of bright yellow flowers over loverly ferny foliage. a gem for the woodland garden, flowers for a long period in spring. Excellent with omphaloides cappodocia and corydalis flexuosa.

Plants for shade and Alpines

Corydalis species ex China


Wonderful tuberous corydalis for semi shade, lovely blue flower over ferny foliage.imported from China. We thing this maybe a form of Corydalis smithiana.

Plants for shade and Alpines

Orydalis ochroleuca


Lots of racemes of cream flowers in spring and summer. self seeding when happy. will seed into rock walls when it finds its place.

Plants for shade and Alpines

Dicentra spectabilis


Very sort after bleeding heart. large lockets of pink flowers over ferny grey green foliage.

Plants for shade and Alpines

Dicentra spectabilis 'Alba'


Very sort after bleeding heart. large lockets of White flowers over ferny grey green foliage. rarely available.

Plants for shade and Alpines

Dicentra spectabilis 'Gold Heart'


A very sort after bleeding heart. Large lockets of Pink flowers over ferny golden foliage. Rarely available. collectors item.

Plants for shade and Alpines

Disporum cantonienense 'Green Giant'


Excellent woodland plant not to be without. very stately marking a mark in the woodland garden.Version:1.0 Excellent woodland plant not to be without. very stately marking a mark in the woodland garden.

Plants for shade and Alpines

Deinathe bifida


Plants for shade and Alpines

Disporum langinsum


Very rare species of Disporum. these are 3 year old seedling. very nice addition to the woodland garden. limited.

Plants for shade and Alpines

Disporum sessile 'Sunray'


Very nice new import of this excellent form of Disporum sessile. heavy variegated leaves in white and yellow not like other forms in Australia. Just beautiful!

Plants for shade and Alpines

Disporum sessile 'Variegatum'


 Excellent grow cover with variegated leaves and cream hanging flowers.

Plants for shade and Alpines

Disporum flavacens


Very attractive disporum, loverly hanging golden bells in spring. Rarely offered.

Plants for shade and Alpines

Disporopsis perneyi


Great garden plant for shade, creamy/white bells in spring. we grow it under conifers! 40cm

Plants for shade and Alpines

Disporopsis arsanensis


One of the best plants for shade. loverly deep green leaves with creamy white bells in spring. A excellent good garden plant for shade.

Plants for shade and Alpines

Hacquetia epipactis


Trifoliate leaves with loverly green flowers in spring. one for the collector.

Plants for shade and Alpines

Hosta 'Aureo-marginata'


Dark green leaves with creamy yellow edging. One of the best.Lilac flowers in summer.

Plants for shade and Alpines

Hosta 'Chinese Sunrise'


Wonderful hosta, one of our favourites.

Plants for shade and Alpines

Hosta 'Gold Standard'


Wonderful larger growing Hosta, Lime yellow and green foliage.

Plants for shade and Alpines

Hosta 'Silver Treads and Golden Needles'


Small growing hosta with yellow veriegated leaves. a very interesting little Hosta.

Plants for shade and Alpines

Hosta fortunei 'Alba Picta'


 Leaves are bright butter yellow edged with soft green in spring.

Plants for shade and Alpines

Hosta 'Purple and Gold'


Loverly small growing hosta with gold/yellow leaves,purple flower in summer.

Plants for shade and Alpines

Hosta 'Yellow Boa'


 Smaller growing Hosta, yellow leaves in spring hold well into summer.

Plants for shade and Alpines

Hellebore Foetidus


Tall growing Hellebore with fine leaves on tall stems. Green bell-shaped flower in winter. excellent for winter sun areas. 80cm. good forms from the UK. Ex. Wil McClewin.

Plants for shade and Alpines

Impatiens omeiense


Perennial species for the woodlander garden, purple-green leaves veined with yellow. Hooded apricot flowers. needs shade. 30cm


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